Title: The Christmas Spirit Characters/Pairing: Claire and Topher Word Count: 786 Rating: PG Summary: Topher has the Christmas spirit (sort of). Claire definitely does not. Notes: Written for
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Title: Blood and Tears Characters/Pairing: Claire and Topher Word Count: 855 Rating: PG Summary: It's been a week since Alpha appeared in the Dollhouse again, and Claire hasn't slept through a single night. Notes: Written for yetregressing for the alphabet drabble meme. Set shortly after "Omega". Disclaimer: Dollhouse and all characters belong to Joss Whedon. I
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Title: (Imaginary) People Characters/Pairing: Claire and Topher Word Count: 583 Rating: PG Summary: It might be simpler, Claire thinks, if she were one of the people who never has doubts. Notes: Written for
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Title: The Edge of the World Characters/Pairing: Adelle and Topher Word Count: 100 Rating: PG Summary: Adelle's world is narrowing, piece by piece. Disclaimer: Dollhouse and all characters belong to Joss Whedon. I am not Joss Whedon, and am not making any money from this.